Lent and Easter 2025 Events

Diocesan Calendar

Bishop Luis Zarama will celebrate Mass and distribute ashes at Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral beginning at 12 noon.

Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral
Raleigh - North Carolina

The Rite of Election will be celebrated for the catechumens of the Diocese of Raleigh on the first Sunday of Lent. The rite will be centered on the transition of the catechumens, those being…

Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral
Raleigh - North Carolina

In the Lenten season, Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday, also known as Passion Sunday. This Sunday observes Jesus’s triumphant and joyful entrance into Jerusalem, marked by jubilant crowds waving…

Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral
Raleigh - North Carolina

In the Lenten season, Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday, also known as Passion Sunday. This Sunday observes Jesus’s triumphant and joyful entrance into Jerusalem, marked by jubilant crowds waving…

Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral
Raleigh - North Carolina

During the Chrism Mass, diocesan priests renew their priestly vows together with their fellow priests and other representatives from the 96 parishes, campus ministries and mission churches in the…

Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral
Raleigh - North Carolina

Bishop Luis Zarama will lead the Celebration of the Lord’s Passion at 7:00 p.m. at Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral. The service will include the Liturgy of the Word, Veneration of the Cross and Holy…

Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral
Raleigh - North Carolina

The celebration of the Easter Vigil is the beginning of the season of Easter. While the Vigil marks the end of the paschal fast, the end of the celebration of Holy Week, and the end of repentance…

Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral
Raleigh - North Carolina

The season of Easter is the most important of all liturgical times, which Catholics celebrate as the Lord's resurrection from the dead, culminating in his Ascension to the Father and sending of…

Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral
Raleigh - North Carolina