Hurricane Florence devastated our community, but together as a community we are recovering! Catholic Charities has been leading the recovery effort. They began providing assistance before the rain even stopped in Wilmington.
On the Monday after the storm, September 17th, Emilie Hart, Cape Fear Regional Director for Catholic Charities, gathered volunteers who had braved the storm, loaded up their box truck with diapers, and began distributing them to families in need. Since that day, Catholic Charities has been working tirelessly to deliver much needed supplies to impacted families.
Over the past two weeks, they have held over 30 events for unloading, sorting and distributing supplies. Hundreds of volunteers have made it possible for Catholic Charities to share items such as food and water, cleaning supplies and hygiene kits with families, already impacting the lives of over 1,000 individuals in the Cape Fear area.
Prior to Hurricane Florence, Catholic Charities Wilmington staff were still working with Hurricane Matthew survivors two years after the storm, and they are committed to accompanying Hurricane Florence survivors during the long path to recovery.
For continuous Hurricane Florence-Rescue and Recovery information in the Diocese of Raleigh please visit: http://dioceseofraleigh.org/content/hurricane-florence-rescue-and-recovery