Catholic Charities is working with local partner agencies to address the immediate needs of families across central and eastern North Carolina. The agency will provide food gift cards, groceries, diapers and cleaning supplies to help families recover following Hurricane Florence.
Catholic Charities staff members are present in the community to assist families before, during and long after an event.
How you can help
No one can recover from a disaster alone. But a community may care for all.
Catholic Charities will have many volunteer opportunities. Please visit www.CatholicCharitiesRaleigh.org/volunteer to find out what you can do to help.
Individuals can make a monetary donation to Catholic Charities through its website, www.CatholicCharitiesRaleigh.org /donate. Cash donations are helpful because disasters are constantly changing events, and funds can be adapted to meet the varying needs of families impacted by Hurricane Florence.
Excel Moving and Storage has offered warehouse space to store donated goods. This is a major – and ongoing – need, and we greatly appreciate their support of our response to the hurricane.
Now Catholic Charities needs trucks and drivers to help transport supplies from warehouses to the impacted areas. Additional warehouse space is needed. If you can help with warehouse space, please call (919) 821-9750.
Individuals who would like to donate non-cash goods are asked to coordinate with Catholic Charities offices before making a donation.
Thank you for your consideration and generosity. Catholic Charities appreciates any assistance that you can provide.
Bishop grants Mass dispensation
As eastern North Carolina prepares for the impact and severity of Hurricane Florence, Bishop Luis Rafael Zarama has granted a dispensation from weekend Mass obligation to all Catholics in the Diocese of Raleigh. Canon law allows for individual dispensations from Mass obligations in the cases of a just cause, such as “a natural disaster.”
All of the faithful are encouraged to observe warnings and evacuation orders as mandated by emergency management officials.
Pastors and pastoral administrators will use prudent judgement, ensuring the safety of parishioners, when considering if Masses will be held at their respective parishes and missions. Please check your parish’s regular communication channels to confirm whether weekend Masses will or will not be held.