Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
As we enter into the Advent season, let us take the blessing of this time to reflect and prepare ourselves for Christmas.
This is a time to rediscover why God sent His Son to us. This is a time to open our hearts through prayer and welcome Christ as though He were coming for the first time. By living more fully in the presence of Christ during Advent, we will be prepared to celebrate not only the birth of Our Savior but the great gift of His love.
When we gather with family members and friends this season, let us celebrate the joy of that gift. Through the Holy Family, Mary and Joseph, Jesus came to experience human life. We are invited to be together as Christ's family during this time; to pray together as a family and to welcome Jesus and each other into our lives. The presence of Jesus in our daily life is a powerful and beautiful gift; let us celebrate it throughout the whole year!
Please know that I am thankful for the gift that you are to our Church, and I will keep you in my prayers. Through the intercession of our Holy Family, may our Lord Jesus help us to live as God's family at Christmas and throughout the New Year.
In Christ,
Luis Rafael Zarama
Bishop of Raleigh
Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo:
Al empezar la temporada de Adviento, aprovechemos estos mementos llenos de gracias para reflexionar y prepararnos para la Navidad.
Es tiempo de redescubrir la raz6n por la cual Dios nos envi6 a su Hijo. Es tiempo para abrir nuestros corazones a traves de la oraci6n y acoger a Cristo como si fuera por primera vez. Al vivir mas plenamente en la presencia de Cristo durante el Adviento, estaremos preparados para celebrar no solo el nacimiento de Nuestro Redentor sino tambien el gran regalo de Su amor.
Cuando nos reunamos con familiares y amigos durante esta temporada, celebremos la alegrfa de ese regalo. A traves de la Sagrada Familia, Jesus vivi6 su humanidad. Durante esta temporada estamos especialmente invitados a estar juntos, como familia de Cristo que somos; a rezar juntos en familia ya darle la bienvenida a Jesus y al pr6jimo en nuestras vidas. La presencia de Jesus en nuestra vida diaria es un regalo poderoso y hermoso jcelebremoslo todo el a.fio!
Doy gracias a Dios por el regalo que ustedes son para nuestra Iglesia; los mantendre en mis oraciones. A traves de la intercesi6n de la Sagrada Familia, que Nuestro Senor Jesus nos ayude a vivir como familia de Dios en Navidad y durante todo el Afio Nu evo.
En Cristo,
Luis Rafael Zarama
Obispo de Raleigh