On Saturday, Jan. 18, people gathered in Raleigh to show their support for a culture of life. A Mass for Life was held at Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral at 11 a.m. Bishop Luis Rafael Zarama shared a homily focused on protecting life.
“Life is from the beginning until the end and everything in between. We need to protect the dignity we have as a human person. And how we shine with joy letting people see that we embrace life,” he said. “All of us are disciples of Jesus with a mission.”
After Mass, many of the faithful joined the North Carolina Rally and March for Life in downtown Raleigh. The rally’s keynote speaker was Kurt Kondrich, president of Chloe’s Foundation.
“The rally and march are an extension of our prayer and fasting that seek to break down the walls that conceal evil practices and laws hostile to life,” said Josahua Klickman of the Diocese of Raleigh’s Human Life and Dignity Ministry. “As Bishop Zarama said, we are here not to fight, but to love. Hate always destroys, and love builds … we march to celebrate with joy the gifts of our lives.”
Photos by The Reagan Collective