Throughout the Year of St. Joseph, which comes to a close Dec. 8, 2021, the Church has sought to deepen its understanding of the Guardian of Jesus and of the Holy Family. To help the faithful in continuing their devotion to St. Joseph, the Knights of Columbus is offering its newest film, St. Joseph: Our Spiritual Father, for all to watch – at no cost.
Featuring interviews with leading experts and theologians in addition to powerful first-hand testimonials, St. Joseph: Our Spiritual Father provides viewers with a glimpse into one of the most incredible lives in all of human history — a figure whose spiritual fatherhood remains open to all.
“In St. Joseph, we see our mission and mandate," said Supreme Knight Patrick Kelly. “Guard the family. Guard the truth. He led through service and creative courage. So must we. It is the only way to overcome the hurdles facing our families, the Church and our culture.”
Visit kofc.org/stjoseph to watch the film or learn more.
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