The Chapel Hill-Durham Young Adult Ministry held their second “Share the Good Brews” event on March 5, 2020, at St. Thomas More Church in Chapel Hill. Father Scott McCue, pastor, began the night with evening prayer and introduced the Liturgy of the Hours to those who had never experienced that method of prayer.
Then Bishop Luis Zarama joined a group of 65 young adults to answer their questions and simply spend time getting to know the young adult community in the Chapel Hill and Durham area. Topics ranged from vocations discernment to stewardship and how to get involved in parish life as a young adult. Bishop Zarama was adamant that it doesn’t take much to make a difference; God works with what we bring to the table. He described how even small acts of charity and love are important and, in fact, necessary to bring about God’s kingdom on earth. Bishop Zarama explained that when you become close to God in prayer, it increases your trust in Him and opens you up to discovering new gifts and ways to serve Him.
“I really appreciated Bishop Luis spending time with the young adult group. There is so much passion and desire to grow deeper in faith among young adults in the Church,” said a participant. “Hearing the bishop talk about his own prayer life and how to become closer to Jesus gives us hope in the lifelong journey of faith.”
Questions about the Chapel Hill-Durham Young Adults group can be directed to Cassie Schutzer, Communications & Young Adult Ministry at St. Thomas More, cschutzer@stmchapelhill.org.