“Come, let us sing joyfully to the Lord; Cry out to the rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with a song of praise, joyfully sing out our psalms. For the Lord is the great God, the great King above all gods.” Psalms 95:1-3
For Catholics worldwide we commemorate the faithful departed during the month of November. Here in the U.S., November is also when we celebrate Thanksgiving Day. While it is a national holiday and not a holy day of obligation, many individuals and families begin the day by attending Mass, reflecting on God’s Word and giving thanks that all good gifts come from God.
I am grateful to be the shepherd of this great diocese. I am also grateful for the witness of so many who share their time and treasure to help others who are less fortunate. I recently had the opportunity to visit our Catholic Parish Outreach Center in Raleigh. It was a blessing to see people helping each other, feeding each other, offering a glimpse of the goodness of God.
As we pray and give thanks for the health of our friends and family, I am especially grateful for your prayers for me and my brother priests. Please know that I offer my gratitude and prayers and ask our Lord’s blessing be upon you and your family. Let us give Him thanks and praise this Thanksgiving Day and always.
In Christ,
† Luis Rafael Zarama, J.C.L.
Bishop of Raleigh