Communities continue to deal with COVID health challenges and related restrictions. In response, many parents are seeking virtual education options this fall for their children, especially those too young to receive a COVID vaccine. Recently, interest in the Diocese of Raleigh’s new Virtual School has surged, and enrollment has increased as area public school virtual education options reach capacity.
Following the announcement earlier this summer of the new Virtual School, the Diocese of Raleigh received interest from other Catholic schools and national media about their innovative approach to Catholic education. With student openings still remaining prior to the start of Virtual School instruction on August 25, North Carolina parents and students are taking a renewed interest in the school as a potential quality learning option.
"Although the majority of families have chosen in-person instruction, the Virtual School remains an excellent option for families who desire a remote learning experience,” said Lytia Reese, superintendent of Catholic Schools for the Diocese of Raleigh. “One of the positive outgrowths of the COVID experience was the realization that we can, and must, do everything we can to make Catholic education even more widely available and accessible.”
Those wishing to learn more about the Diocese of Raleigh Virtual School and the registration process are encouraged to visit the Virtual School website.