On Sunday, February 25, Bishop Luis Zarama joined Chaplain, Father Peter Tremblay, OFM Conv., in celebrating Mass at the Elon University Catholic Campus Ministry. Bishop Luis then joined the group for their monthly “Sunday Supper” in collaboration with El Centro, which included authentic Latin food, great music, and group activities and fellowship.
During his homily, Bishop Luis reflected on the readings from the Second Sunday of Lent. He remarked that in many ways college students can find inspiration in the story of Abraham. They are well acquainted with “tests” and understand how failure to prepare for the future creates many additional challenges. He reminded them to focus on the future Christ offers and not to seek relationships in “the cloud” of social media but to find authentic personal relationships with Jesus and with one another.
Catholic Campus Ministry is an Elon University student organization based in the new Catholic Newman Center at Holland House on the South Campus of Elon University. A student Servant Leadership Team, supported by student interns and a small professional staff, offers students a range of weekly ministries, including two Masses on Sunday. The Newman Center includes a library, meeting space and a kitchen and dining area for weekly programs and dinners. Catholic students also have 24/7 access to a Eucharistic chapel located in nearby Holt Chapel. In addition to ongoing community events, the Newman Center leads an annual trip to help serve those less fortunate on an Alternative Spring Break trip. Elon University Catholic Campus Ministry is one of six college campus ministries supported by the Diocese of Raleigh through the generous donations of parishioners across the diocese during the Bishop’s Annual Appeal.
Catholic Campus Ministry at Elon University
Campus Ministry in the Diocese of Raleigh