At his General Audience, Pope Francis made a clear statement.
They are murderers.
He was referring to drug producers and sellers.
The Pope did not dedicate his weekly catechesis to a religious theme, as he usually does. Instead, he devoted the entire time to the issue of drugs. And he went straight to the point.
And let us also pray for these criminals who sell and give drugs to young people. They are criminals. They are murderers. Let us pray for their conversion.
He also entered the debate on drug legalization and had another clear message.
A reduction in drug dependence is not obtained by liberalizing consumption. This is a fantasy.
Having known many tragic stories of drug addicts and their families, I am convinced that it is a moral duty to put an end to the production and trafficking of these dangerous substances.
This was the last weekly catechesis of June. Normally, the audiences are suspended for recess during the month of July.
At the end of the catechesis, Pope Francis requested continued prayers for world peace.