Add to Calendar2019-11-22 18:00:002019-11-22 18:00:00Project Rachel Retreat Weekend
A Journey of Post-Abortion Healing
The weekend retreat is an opportunity to experience God’s love, forgiveness, and compassion in a supportive and confidential environment. Through prayer, discussion, and Living Scripture exercises, participants are able to make their way through the critical steps of post-abortion healing. The sacrament of Reconciliation is available to offer the powerful and loving embrace of Christ, and the retreat concludes with a memorial service and a Mass of Resurrection. Though a Catholic Mass is celebrated, the focus of the retreat is a Biblical healing process, and women and men of any denomination are welcome.
View the Project Rachel website for brochure and information about upcoming retreats.
Trinity Camp Conference and Retreat Center
Diocese of Raleightechsupport@faithcatholic.comAmerica/New_Yorkpublic
A Journey of Post-Abortion Healing
The weekend retreat is an opportunity to experience God’s love, forgiveness, and compassion in a supportive and confidential environment. Through prayer, discussion, and Living Scripture exercises, participants are able to make their way through the critical steps of post-abortion healing. The sacrament of Reconciliation is available to offer the powerful and loving embrace of Christ, and the retreat concludes with a memorial service and a Mass of Resurrection. Though a Catholic Mass is celebrated, the focus of the retreat is a Biblical healing process, and women and men of any denomination are welcome.