4th Theology
Seminary: Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary, Wynnewood, Pennsylvania
Ordination Date: 2021
Birth Date: August 19
Home Parish: Sacred Heart Parish in Dunn
High School: Seton Home Study School
College: St. Charles Borromeo Seminary
Hobbies: Hockey
Who Influenced/Inspired you to Priesthood: Father Paul Parkerson inspired me to the Priesthood; he has taught me so much about it and taught me so much about the Mass that I originally did not know.
What would you say to a young man who thinks he may have a vocation: I would advise him to think, meditate, and pray about his inclination, but I would also caution him to not try to over think about what his vocation truly is. I would tell him that the best thing to do is to simply surrender himself entirely to God’s Will, and to ask the Lord for guidance. If it is truly God’s Will, then he will be called to that vocation.
Favorite Scripture Passage: Matthew 20:16: “So shall the last be first, and the first last. For many are called, but few are chosen.”
Favorite Saint: St. Thomas Becket, my patron saint.