Many parishes prepare and print their bulletins 2-3 weeks in advance, while others prepare them the week of distribution. This page is continually updated with new announcements as they are submitted. To ensure announcements are available to the largest number of parishes, please submit announcements 3 weeks before the date they should appear in parish bulletins. Announcements will remain on this page until their timeliness has passed.
Receive a weekly bulletin announcements reminder by email:
Parish Event Calendar
Publicize your parish events on the diocesan website in our parish event calendar.
News tips and event coverage requests
Parish communicators: We want to hear from you!
Please send us your news tips and event coverage requests.
The diocesan directory is updated at the beginning of each month. You must be logged in to see it. If you need the password or see an error, email
Please also consider sharing these announcements via your parish social media accounts.
From Bishop Luis Zarama
Bishop's Easter letter to the faithful:
Prevent Child Abuse Month
Bishop's letter on Prevent Child Abuse Month:
Employment Opportunities
Visit the Diocese of Raleigh Employment Opportunities page for current job listings at diocesan offices, parishes and schools, as well as some regional positions:
QR code (PNG)
CPO Pig Pickin' & Open House
Get Ready to Pig Out for a Cause!
Join Catholic Parish Outreach Food Pantry for the 13th Annual Pig Pickin’ & Open House – a day of delicious BBQ, live music, and community fun while making a difference for families in need!
Friday, April 26
3:30 PM – 7:00 PM (or until the BBQ runs out!)
2013 Raleigh Blvd, Raleigh, NC
$12 Pre-order | $15 Plate On-Site | Beef Hot Dogs Available
Live Music | Bake Sale | Raffle | Indoor Seating
Every plate purchased helps Catholic Parish Outreach, a program of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Raleigh, provide food to families experiencing hunger in our community.
Let’s come together, enjoy great food, and support a great cause! Tag your friends and spread the word!
Learn more & get tickets:
Divine Mercy Sunday at Mother Teresa Parish in Cary
Divine Mercy Sunday: Pray the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy at Mother Teresa Catholic Church.
Join the Mother Teresa Parish community on Divine Mercy Sunday, April 27, to pray the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy at the Holy Hour of 3 p.m.
In a series of revelations to St. Maria Faustina Kowalska in the 1930s, our Lord called for a special feast day to be celebrated on the Sunday after Easter. Today, we know that feast as Divine Mercy Sunday, named by Pope St. John Paul II at the canonization of St. Faustina on April 30, 2000.
The message of the Divine Mercy is simple. God loves us, all of us, and wants us to recognize that his mercy is greater than our sins so that we will call upon him with trust, receive his mercy, and let it flow through us to others. Thus, all will come to share his joy.
Parish family festival
St. Eugene Church in Wendell is having its 1st Annual Family Festival in honor of our patron saint's feast day, May 25 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. We welcome all families to join in on the fun and make our first family festival a memorable one. Don't miss the games, music, food, and community. Also, we will have a raffle with a grand prize pilgrimage to Turkey and Greece. Tickets are only $10 each, and all funds go toward our efforts of bringing a second priest and our new Parish Family Life Center. Tickets can be purchased by visiting or calling our parish office 919-365-7114.
English flyer w/ QR code | Spanish flyer w/ QR code (PNG)
Drive Out Hunger Golf Outing
Save the Date! On Monday, August 4, 2025, Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Raleigh is hosting the 8th Annual “Drive Out Hunger” Golf Outing at Prestonwood Country Club in Cary.
Your participation in this premier golf event will help support our five food pantries, which distribute over 5 million pounds of food annually to families across Central and Eastern North Carolina.
With your support, we can continue combating food insecurity in rural and underserved communities, ensuring that thousands of individuals have access to nutritious meals. Whether you're a golfer, sponsor, or donor, your contribution makes a lasting impact.
Join us on the course and help us Drive Out Hunger!
Event Details:
Prestonwood Country Club, Cary, NC
8:30 AM – Check-In & Light Breakfast
10:00 AM – Shotgun Start (Captain’s Choice)
Boxed Lunches on the Course
Reception to Follow
Thank you for your interest in the Drive Out Hunger Golf Outing. Please contact Tyffanie Paganello at with any questions regarding sponsorship opportunities or individual and foursome registrations. Event website:
Flyer with QR code (JPG)
Free Catholic materials for the blind/visually impaired
Xavier Society for the Blind provides free braille, audio, and large print materials to Catholics who are blind/visually impaired. The society also serves people unable to read standard print and others living with recent vision loss due to macular degeneration, glaucoma, cataracts, etc. Applications available at
Flyer (PDF)
Project Rachel Retreat
To the person who is responsible for the parish bulletin: Please include (Project Rachel bulletin announcement) in the parish bulletin each weekend during March, April and May. Please make available the registration form.
NOTE: Many women and men who reach out to Project Rachel tell us they read about this ministry in a bulletin announcement. They often say that they had to see the announcement many times -before they could find the courage to call.
If your parish requires more brochures, please call or email us:
Thank you!
Jackie Bonk
Director, Project Rachel (919-852-1021)
Project Rachel Post Abortion Healing Retreat (June 6-8, 2025)
If you desire healing from a past abortion, you are invited to experience the love of Jesus Christ at a Project Rachel weekend retreat June 6-8, in the Raleigh area. The weekend retreat is strictly confidential, for both women and men, and includes discussions, spiritual exercises, the sacrament of reconciliation, a Memorial Service, and a Mass of the Resurrection. Participation offers a beautiful opportunity to experience God’s love, forgiveness, and compassion. For more information or to register for the retreat, contact Project Rachel at: or call (919) 852-1021. The website is: Cost is $200 for lodging, meals, and all retreat materials. Discount of $50 if you register before May 9, Spanish and English speakers are welcome. If there is a financial burden, assistance is always available.
Proyecto Rachel Post Aborto Retiro de Sanación (del 6 al 8 de junio de 2025)
Si deseas sanar los efectos de un aborto, estás invitada/o a experimentar el amor de Jesucristo en un retiro de fin de semana del 6 al 8 de junio, en el área de Raleigh. El retiro es estrictamente confidencial, tanto para mujeres como para hombres, e incluye discusiones, ejercicios espirituales, el sacramento de la reconciliación, un servicio conmemorativo y una misa de resurrección. Este retiro ofrece una hermosa oportunidad para experimentar el amor, el perdón y la compasión de Dios. Para información o inscripción, comunícate a: o al número telefónico (919) 264-5892. El sitio web es: El costo del retiro es de $200 por persona incluye alojamiento, comidas y todos los materiales del retiro. Ofrecemos un descuento de $50 si te registras antes del 09 de mayo. Los participantes que hablan español e inglés son bienvenidos. Si tienes problemas económicos, ofrecemos asistencia financiera.
Soup & Stations Lenten Event
Every Friday throughout Lent, we will come together as a parish family for food, fellowship, and prayer with the return of our Traditional Soup & Stations Lenten Event. Beginning at 6:30 pm in the church, we pray the Stations of the Cross (in English) and then make our way to the social hall (roughly around 7:00 pm) to break bread and enjoy vegetarian soups made/provided by parishioners. Bread and water will be provided. We end the evening back in the church at 7:30 pm with Stations of the Cross in Spanish. Please consider joining us! Contact April Pittman ( or the Saint Francis de Sales Parish office ( for more information.
Flyer (JPG)
Ignited By Truth Catholic Conference
English bulletin ad
22nd Annual Ignited By Truth Catholic Conference
A Great Opportunity for Your Lenten Retreat!
Meet your friends, learn about your Faith from our great speakers, receive the sacraments, and be moved in Adoration and veneration of saint relics.
Don’t miss this unforgettable day!
April 4-5, 2025 at NC State’s Reynolds Coliseum in Raleigh.
Friday Night: IBT is offering a Lenten Youth Retreat… a Night of Adoration, Praise, & Worship for ALL ages. Led by Fr. Jason Brooks, with Speaker Dan Briggs, and music by Dana Catherine.
Saturday’s speakers include Fr. Robert Spitzer, Fr. Augustine Wetta, Msgr. James Shea, Fr. Jason Brooks and Sonja Corbitt, plus Morning Mass with Fr. Michael Burbeck.
Adult admission for both days is just $30.
Students of all ages are FREE with food provided for both days.
Who will you invite?
Tickets: or 919-789-1428.
Spanish bulletin ad
22ª Conferencia Católica Anual Ignited By Truth
¡Una gran oportunidad para tu retiro de Cuaresma!
¡No te pierdas la 22 ª Conferencia Católica Anual Ignited By Truth!
Reúnete con amigos, aprende sobre tu fe, experimenta los sacramentos, conmuévete en la Adoración y venera las reliquias.
¡No te pierdas este día inolvidable!
4 y 5 de abril de 2025 en el Reynolds Coliseum de NC State en Raleigh.
NUEVAMENTE este año: Night of Worship el viernes por la noche con el padre Jason Brooks, Dan Briggs, y Dana Catherine .
Los conferencistas del sábado incluyen al P. Robert Spitzer, P. Augustine Wetta, P. James Shea, y P. Jason Brooks, además de la misa matutina con el padre Michael Burbeck.
La admisión de adultos para ambos días es de solo $ 30, los estudiantes son GRATIS con comida para ambos días.
¿A quién invitarás a asistir contigo?
Boletos: o 919-789-1428.
Jubilee 2025
Jubilee 2025 - Jubilee news, events & calendar, prayer & music, info & resources for celebrating the 2025 Jubilee Year of Hope
Bishop Zarama's Jubilee letter to the faithful:
Pilgrimage to Medjugorje
September 25 – October 3, 2025
$3,499 per person from Raleigh Durham (RDU). All pricing based on double occupancy.
Pricing available from any airport:
Spiritual Leader: Fr. Lourduraj Alapaty | Group Leader: Bob Rzeszutek ( | 919.637.4649)
Book Now: | Booking Code: BR092525
Your pilgrimage includes:
- Round-trip airfare
- Airport taxes and fuel surcharges
- 7 nights accommodation at centrally located first-class hotels (or similar):
- Villa Grace, Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina
- Breakfast and dinner daily
- Transfers as per itinerary
- Transportation by air-conditioned motor coach
- Whisper headsets where needed
- Assistance of a professional local Catholic Guide
- Visits to Siroki Brieg, Tihaljina, and Surmanci
- Meeting with visionaries (pending availability)
- Visit to Community Cenacolo
- Sightseeing and admissions fees as per itinerary
- Mass daily & Spiritual activities
- Luggage handling (1 piece per person)
- Flight bag & PDF digital confirmation of all travel documents
Flyer (PDF)
Recovering Our Soul Connections: A Retreat for Women Who Have Been Sexually Abused
Recovering Our Soul Connections: A Retreat for Women Who Have Been Sexually Abused begins online April 1, 2025, and culminates in an in-person retreat, June 12-15, 2025 at St. Francis Springs Prayer Center, Stoneville, NC.
Applications accepted until March 1, or until the retreat is full; space is limited to 12. Cost to retreatants is $200.
To request an application, email or visit Recovering Our Soul Connections on Facebook.
Questions? Contact Cindy Neely, Spiritual Director, St. Thomas More,
Retreat Leaders
Cindy Neely, Spiritual Director, St. Thomas More, Chapel Hill
Khris Ford, Spiritual Director and Executive Director of the North Carolina Institute for Spiritual Direction and Formation
Liz Deal, Spiritual Director, West Virginia Institute for Spirituality
Contributions from the Diocese of Raleigh; the Catholic Community of St. Thomas More, Chapel Hill; and the North Carolina State Court of the Catholic Daughters of the Americas cover 70% of the total expense.
Flyer (PDF)
Summer Schola: Great Books, Great Adventure
Dive into classic philosophy and literature with Honors College faculty, enjoy the great outdoors, and experience the culture and recreation of Charlotte, North Carolina. For sophomores and older, embark on a week-long journey filled with discovery, friendship, and joy. Schola 2025 will be held July 6-12 at Belmont Abbey College. Learn more at
Flyer (PDF) | Social media image (PNG)
Kateri Circle Meetings
Our Kateri Circle meetings are a great opportunity to join in prayer and fellowship with Native Catholics and provide a space to learn about Native American spirituality and the culture of our indigenous tribes. These monthly meetings are open to everyone and held on behalf of Catholic Native Americans and friends. Please share freely! Email your name to our staff at, OR
fill out this form: to sign up and receive a Zoom link.
Flyer (PNG)
Secure Your Legacy, Strengthen Your Faith
For the faithful of the Diocese of Raleigh, estate planning offers an opportunity to ensure your loved ones are cared for while leaving a lasting legacy that reflects your values and faith.
Why Estate Planning Matters
Estate planning is not only for the wealthy—it’s for everyone!
By creating a thoughtful plan, you ensure that your wishes are honored and that your family is protected. But more importantly, it provides an opportunity to consider the long-term impact of your giving. Many of our parishioners choose to include their parish, school, or diocesan ministries in their plans, allowing them to support the Church even after they’ve gone home to God.
How The Foundation Can Help
We are here to guide you through this process, offering expertise and support as you navigate the intricacies of estate planning. We can help answer any questions you may have, from:
- How to include a charitable gift in your will.
- Understanding tax benefits available to you.
- How best to structure your giving to reflect your values and faith.
In-Person Seminars at Your Parish
This year, we are proud to continue to offer in-person estate planning seminars at parishes throughout the diocese. These seminars will provide valuable insights on the legal and financial steps you can take to ensure your wishes are met. The seminars are designed to demystify estate planning and empower you to make decisions that benefit both your family and your faith community.
We invite you to take advantage of this opportunity during Estate Planning Awareness Week to start—or continue—planning for your future. Contact The Foundation of the Diocese of Raleigh for more information or to schedule a seminar at your parish.
Estate planning flyer (PDF)
Charitable bequest flyer (PDF)
Catholic in Recovery
Join Catholic in Recovery at St. Michael the Archangel Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.
Catholic in Recovery provides healing from addictions, compulsions, and unhealthy attachments. Meetings combine the spiritual principles of 12-step recovery and the sacraments of the Catholic Church. Join others in recovery as we overlap scripture from Sunday's Mass readings, liturgical themes, and recovery topics with honest discussion and prayer. Confidentiality is protected. We welcome those recovering from any addiction, compulsion, or unhealthy attachment:
- Alcoholism
- Drug addiction
- Compulsive overeating
- Restricted eating
- Lust/pornography addiction
- Gambling addiction
- Technology addiction
- Compulsive spending/debting
- Codependency
- Control, fear, resentment, & grief
Anonymous & confidential
Age Requirement: 18 years or older
For more information and/or room location, text or call (919) 480-2044, or email
Bulletin ad (PDF)
NC Catholics Caring for Our Common Home
You are invited to join the new diocesan NC Catholics Caring for Our Common Home. Pope Francis reminds us that: “The environment is a common good, belonging to all and meant for all…. We must regain the conviction that we need one another, that we have a shared responsibility for others and the world.” Raleigh Diocese parishioners have heard the pope’s message and responded to his call by forming North Carolina Catholics Caring for our Common Home (NCCCCH). Our mission is to inspire and mobilize the Catholic community to care for our common home and achieve climate and ecological justice with the urgency the times require. Our members work within their parishes, deaneries, and with other groups throughout the Raleigh diocese to promote and engage in an integral ecological approach that recognizes everything is connected. We are looking to expand our coalition with new members and exciting diocese-wide programs. The excitement is building a new way of living. To join, please contact Deacon Joshua Klickman at:
Courage / Encourage
Courage is a Roman Catholic apostolate which ministers to persons, both men and women, who experience same-sex attractions and desire support to live the Catholic Church’s teaching on chastity. The local chapter of Courage in the Diocese of Raleigh can be reached confidentially at, or 984-900-3212.
EnCourage is a related program for the loved ones – parents, siblings, spouses, or children – of persons who experience and act on same-sex attractions. These chapters meet separately from Courage chapters, but with similar aims to devote their whole lives to Christ and the life of grace, and so to be a good example to their loved ones and to the world. The local chapter of EnCourage meets monthly and can be reached at, or 984-900-3212.
The Foundation of the Diocese of Raleigh on Social Media
Follow The Foundation of the Diocese of Raleigh on all of our social media accounts and stay up to date on our Estate Planning in-person seminars or online webinars! We also serve as a Planned Giving resource, providing guidance on ways to experience the joy of giving today while building a lasting faith-based legacy of stewardship and generosity.
Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn:
Follow the Diocese of Raleigh Office of Education on Social Media
For the latest on Catholic education in the Diocese of Raleigh, follow and like the diocesan Office of Education on our new social media accounts!
Facebook: or @catholicschoolsnc
Instagram: or @catholicschoolsnc
Twitter: @DOROfficeofEd
LinkedIn: or #catholicschoolsnc